Sunday 18 October 2009


I used to feel like I didn't belong because I had SA, now I'm starting to feel like I belong because I do. This odd thought is something that occurred to me yesterday, thinking about the groups that I'm now a part of, that I wouldn't otherwise have been. I've been going to an SA support group in Brum, every other Saturday, for a few months. I'm a quiet person, and it's quite amusing to find myself being one of the chatty ones! I even managed to read aloud a few lines out of one of my self-help guides yesterday, about making an 'anxiety ladder' of things that scare you, and confronting these one step at a time. (You can find the same Shyness and Social Anxiety self-help guide online here.) I've also recently joined an SA forum called SAUK. I'm starting to make friends, which is something that has been difficult for me for quite a few years, and starting to feel more positive.

However, although I've begun to accept myself as someone with mental health issues, and that acknowledging my problems is the first step towards beating them, I am wary of defining myself as someone with SA and depression, and therefore not challenging my illness. I far too easily avoid things, and blame my perceived inability to do these things on my health, instead of telling myself that I can do it. The answer to this is of course to follow the basic principle behind CBT, i.e. to challenge my negative thoughts, and think "I can" instead of "I can't". Which is easier said than done, but will (hopefully!) one day become automatic. The very fact that I'm starting to make progress is something to be proud of though, another reason to think that I can do it.

Sunday 11 October 2009

A social outcast?

First, I'll say welcome to my blog :)

Second, I'll tell you the inspiration for the blog's name. Being a social outcast was what I feared when I started secondary school at the age of eleven. My then best friend's older sister had told her that if you did sad things such as wearing your hood up, fastening your coat or wearing your backpack on both shoulders, that you would be a social outcast. Which of course is daft, but I took it deadly serious when I was eleven, starting a new school and wanting to make a good impression. I've ended up a social outcast anyway, but I can live with that. And I can put my bag on both shoulders if I like.

Third, I suppose I should say what this blog will be about. After years of shyness, low self-esteem, varying degrees of depression, lack of friends, and isolation, I have finally admitted to myself that I have mental health issues and need some help. The decision to see a doctor about my problems was brought about by a telephone conversation with my sister (much love and thanks to her!) a couple of months ago. I was prescribed Prozac and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. This blog will be about my social anxiety, depression, and related conditions, and will hopefully show my progress towards beating these, using medication, therapy, and whatever else I need to do. Hopefully I can also provide something that fellow sufferers can relate to, perhaps even be inspired by.